Welcome Friends! I am so excited to start this next chapter in my life and what better way to do that, than with my family!
Crafting has always been my thing. When I had my kiddos, Alexis and Joshua, I became a full time Momma and concentrating on them and not messing up. So, my craftiness took a backseat to mommy hood. As they became school age, guess what?!?! My craftiness got to come back out in the form of being Room Mom. Haha, yes, I became that Room Mom that other parents hated and loved at the same time. I was a little over the top, not gonna lie lol. That was my thing and I loved it. Once both of my kids got in school, that was my full time job more or less. I was very active in their school and fundraising within the community. Here is a picture of my sweet angels! This shirt my daughter made. Said no matter what someone is going through, remember they are strong and they’ve got this! Never give up!
By the time Lexi was in 5th grade and Joshua was in 3rd grade, my husband shocked the poo out of me. He had secretly been looking at land for sale (we have always talked about it, but way in the future). He drove us out to a piece of property that was way out in the boonies and a little over 12 acres of land. The kids and I instantly fell in love with it and decided to take the leap and buy and build our forever home 🙂 So, building our house became my fulltime job and Room Mom stuff took a little backseat once again, and not to mention selling our current home we were living in. Lots of stress there lol. During this time, the unimaginable happened and my world was turned completely upside down. One morning I was on the way to take my kids to school. We were laughing it up like we always did and out of nowhere a woman crossed over a huge median and slammed head on into me. My daughter was sitting in the front passenger seat. As the lady hit me, I started to spin and she continued to plow into the passenger side of the car. My sweet daughter Alexis took the brunt of it. She spent several weeks in the ICU and had a long road of recovery a ahead of her. It was an absolute miracle that she survived and that my son and I were not hurt more than we were. That day changed my world forever. My faith in God took a whole new meaning in my life. He was there with us every step of the way. Very hard to explain, but I could just feel his presence. My pain and injuries took a backseat cause all I cared about was taking care of my daughter, getting her out of the hospital and walking again. Not to mention, making sure my son was okay too. I never left my daughters side the entire time she was in the hospital or when she came home.

The strength and determination that this kid of mine was AMAZING! She was so strong and always so positive. She blew the Doctors and Nurses away.
So, let’s fast forward a little bit. My priorities definitely changed and family was more important than it ever was. Not to mention those who didn’t even know us and reached out to help. My kids saw the hearts that others had and made it their mission to bring light into the world even when it was full of darkness.
Farm Life started to explode here on our little piece of heaven. Goats became my therapy and the families as well. We added some butcher pigs to the farm, Egg laying chickens, Meat Chickens, and several Bee Hives to make our own honey. It has been the best experience ever. Learning to can and make jams and jellies has been a blast, not to mention all the other things we have done too with our garden.
Starting our own little farming for our family brought out that urge to craft again. Crafting always made me happy and as I was struggling with anxiety and ptsd from the accident, I decided it was time to break out my creativeness. See if that would help me and ground me again. That brings us to the NOW! Our family wants to share our farming experience with you and our crafting. Fun ways to craft on a budget and make gorgeous things that will not break the bank. If you have read our story, Thank You!! We look forward to growing this business with you and sharing our life. Stay tuned to some amazing ideas that we have to help Give Back!

The Wilson Family
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