• New Addition to the Farm
    We have the cutest addition to our farm!!! Y’all, please welcome the cute, ever so spoiled Ellie Mae the Pig!!!
  • Gardening and Wildflowers
    Love Love Love when Springtime comes around. Getting the garden going is a lot of work, but so fun and so rewarding. Another of my favorite is the wildflowers that bloom on our property! Just wait, a few more weeks and our land will be covered in them. Our own little piece of Heaven.
  • Cuteness Overload
    One of my favorite things on our farm, is our goats! They bring so much happiness and are great therapy when you’re having a rough day! Dixie is the momma to these triplets! She is an amazing mom, even when the babies are jumping on her back! Meet the triplets, Dennis, Jolene, and Patsy!!